Cats are kept as domestic pets and the species has been living with us for thousands of years. There are many breeds of cat, including ones without hair and tails. They are capable of hunting many different types of species and are highly intelligent. Because they are so intelligent, it is possible to train them to do the most unlikely of tasks, such as opening doors ( although obviously not with a key of course ).
How Do Cats Communicate?
They purr, miaow and hiss. They also use body language and use a combination of these things when communicating with 'fellow felines'. They are still capable of living in the wild.
Defining Terms
A male cat is known as a tom. A female, believe it or not, is called a queen. The cute young variety are known as kittens. If the cat in question has registered ancestry, then it is referred to as a pedigree cat. Purebred cats constitute only one tenth of the total cat population.
How Long Do They Live?
If kept at home as domesticated pets, cats live a very long time. The average is fourteen to twenty years. The oldest cat in recorded history lived to the grand age of thirty six. Generally speaking, cats that don't venture outside tend to live longer because they don't get into fights or risk injury from accidents.
How Much Sleep Do They Need?
Cats sleep... a lot! The older they get, the more sleep they need, but the average is between thirteen and fourteen hours a day. Some cats though, will sleep the majority of the day ( upto twenty hours ). If only the average working person could enjoy such sleeping luxury.
Reading A Cats Body Language
If a cat is angry it will twitch the end of its tail. A tail held high in the air means your cat is happy, whereas a tail pointing down will usually indicate it is not happy. If you encounter a surprised cat, or one that is in fear, the hair on its back may become raised, along with its tail.
When a cat is being friendly with another, it will tend to touch the others nose. If a cat is happy and sitting on your lap, it may paw you. They will often use this in combination with purring as a display of affection towards their owner.
Article by Sarah Parker of Cat Pictures Information ( Providing you with a wide variety of cat pictures )
Visit All About Cats for all things concerning cats.
How Do Cats Communicate?
They purr, miaow and hiss. They also use body language and use a combination of these things when communicating with 'fellow felines'. They are still capable of living in the wild.
Defining Terms
A male cat is known as a tom. A female, believe it or not, is called a queen. The cute young variety are known as kittens. If the cat in question has registered ancestry, then it is referred to as a pedigree cat. Purebred cats constitute only one tenth of the total cat population.
How Long Do They Live?
If kept at home as domesticated pets, cats live a very long time. The average is fourteen to twenty years. The oldest cat in recorded history lived to the grand age of thirty six. Generally speaking, cats that don't venture outside tend to live longer because they don't get into fights or risk injury from accidents.
How Much Sleep Do They Need?
Cats sleep... a lot! The older they get, the more sleep they need, but the average is between thirteen and fourteen hours a day. Some cats though, will sleep the majority of the day ( upto twenty hours ). If only the average working person could enjoy such sleeping luxury.
Reading A Cats Body Language
If a cat is angry it will twitch the end of its tail. A tail held high in the air means your cat is happy, whereas a tail pointing down will usually indicate it is not happy. If you encounter a surprised cat, or one that is in fear, the hair on its back may become raised, along with its tail.
When a cat is being friendly with another, it will tend to touch the others nose. If a cat is happy and sitting on your lap, it may paw you. They will often use this in combination with purring as a display of affection towards their owner.
Article by Sarah Parker of Cat Pictures Information ( Providing you with a wide variety of cat pictures )
Visit All About Cats for all things concerning cats.